Izzy: She's actually from Australia, not Halifax. Her Canon EOS rocks her world.
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Comment history with lokaret05
Displaying 1 - 9 of 9 comments
im from manila, specificaly, im from makati, metro MANILA,
ask your mom! she might know it, :)
Haha, very cool :D
So where abouts in the Phillipines are you from?
syempre means "ofcourse"
syempre i speak tagalog,
haha ^__^
Chyeah my mum's Filo and my dad's aussie [:
Ssept I was never taught the language so I can't speak it fluently. I know a little Tagalog though, VERY little :p
Do you speak Tagalog?
haha, really?
cheers! :3
hmmm.. soo who's the fil frm your family?
I'm Izzy and I'm from Australia. Phillipines? Cool! I'm half Filo :D
Sorry, I can't say my exact age but I'm still in high school [:
So you on holidays there?
tnks for welcoming me,
btw, im alvin :3 15 going 16,
from phillipines, hby? :3
Hey there, thanks for the add! [: You new? Welcome to cB! How are you?